TAZ is just one of my 4 Mustangs. TAZ was the champion of the 2008 Idols division at the Extreme Mustang Makeover. He is an amazing horse. The bond that has formed between TAZ and myself is a bond that will never be broken. He gets me and I get him. Mom says that when I ride him, it is like poetry in motion.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Recap of Week 1

So it has been almost 1 week with Patriot. At first glance I thought that it was going to be harder to train Patriot. He had the air about him that he was not going to give an inch. He would turn his head away from me at first as if to say, if I don't look at her, she's not there! It didn't take long for that proverbial light switch moment. Sunday morning, sometime between my waking up and checking on him and my eating breakfast, Patriot removed his halter. By Sunday evening, I had the halter back on him. It has been all down hill since then. This is the one time that going down hill is good!
Yesterday, I set the round pen back up so that I was no longer working in a small square pen. We are now in the big boy pen. I had been working small circles in the square pen, so lungeing for him was no big deal. He did really great for his first time. He is learning to turn in and face up when he comes to a stop and he is really catching on very quickly.

This was our second time of picking up the front hooves. He is still a little tenative about giving them to me, but is getting better each time.

All good boys get their treat after a good training session and Patriot is no exception. Treats come in the form of a good old fashion scratching in his favorite places.

1 comment:

  1. wow, in one week it looks like you guys are really coming along! way to go! :D
