TAZ is just one of my 4 Mustangs. TAZ was the champion of the 2008 Idols division at the Extreme Mustang Makeover. He is an amazing horse. The bond that has formed between TAZ and myself is a bond that will never be broken. He gets me and I get him. Mom says that when I ride him, it is like poetry in motion.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Patriot and fire, tarps and blankets!

We all know that exposure is everything when training a mustang. I try to expose my horses to everything I can think of that includes fires, saddles, tarps, winter blankets. Anything I can think of becomes material for training. We just don't know what might happen once we get on their back, so the more I expose him to before that time, the better able he will be able to handle the situation.

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